no--that is not a name we will be using. I just think I might make one of these once l.d. is born.
the greatest alma mater there is...Hillsdale College.
I am all about these bright colors for little d.
both via an amazing etsy shop, leemarie.

to rep the wonderful north dakotan roots.
don't worry--michigan state onesie is already purchased and ready.
my brother bought it for us the day after he found out :)
and last-but not least.
because our baby will love the USA.
and freedom.
and RR of course.
Off to the lake with some of the best. Needing it this weekend!
Thank you, Lord, for the wonderful baby you have given us.
4 months 'till my new favorite birthday!
i love these! i can't wait to get a hillsdale hoodie for seb!