Tuesday, September 10, 2013

one year ago.

September 10, 2012 was a very special day. Not only did we close on our first home that we still adore, but Joseph's older sister, Lois was proposed to!
One year ago Kyle texted me to see if Reagan was available to help ask Loie to marry him. Reagan had been spending a lot if time with "LoLo" and "KyKy" but I still couldn't believe Kyle wanted our little rea there. So sweet.

 That evening, during a trip to the park, Loie looked in Rea's pocket and found a stunning diamond ring that she thought Rea had picked up from the playground. In reality it was her dream ring from her dream man. Four months later she would become Kyle's wife. This weekend I was again reminded of how perfect Kyle is for my beautiful sister. God's timing is the best timing.

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