papa and I :)
I have a father by birth, who has been a good provider to my family, served our great country faithfully for 30 + years, and has shown me the world by taking me on amazing adventures.
I have a father by his own choice, Papa, who has raised me and loved me, sacrificed for me, guided my education and lived as an example of how to be more like Christ.
I have a father by marriage, SG, who stepped into our family and brought us joy, who makes my mom so happy, cooks amazing food, lives every day to its
fullest and will be the most hilarious grandpa ever!
I have a father by my own marriage, TD, who raised the most amazing man on earth, is one of the hardest workers ever and now encourages me and loves me like I'm part of his own family.
And I have a father in heaven--He will never leave me or forsake me and He is there for me every minute of the day...and
He sent His only son to die on the cross for my sins.
It doesn't get better than 5 dads!!!
I think fathers are one of the most important roles in our society. I wish I could explain it as well as this article from the
Heritage Foundation...but I can't. So please read.