Loves helping in the kitchen, especially baking. Fruit, tomatoes, oatmeal and olives are her favorite foods. And "bunny bars" (any granola or homemade protien type bar). Still calls hummus, "pumice" for some unknown reason.

An amazing pretender. She can make a game or a story out of anything. Lately loves baking with playdough. Role playing is also her jam and she likes to control the dialogue. She tells us to repeat whatever she wants us to say by asking us "may you say ______?"

Loves people OUT LOUD. Not afraid to tell someone she loves them or has missed them or that they are beautiful. Speaks her feelings. Comforts us all, especially her "little sweeties." Known to smother the twins in huge hugs and proclaim mushy things like:
"It's okay little Ellie bellie boo"
"You'll be alright my little Big Jimmy"

Still a tall drink of water. And killing all the old ladies at Trader Joe's and costco with that red hair. A conversation from about a month ago that I wrote down:
Me: what's that scratch from, honey?
Rea: oh it's just something only people with red hair have.

Not the girly girl y'all would expect me to have but does enjoy nail painting and her new princess dress (a prize she picked out for giving up her BELOVED pacifier). She loves the park, jogging over the highway overpass, kicking around soccer balls, and pretending to be a dinasaur or dog much more.
An intense focuser. A constant listener. A sponge. She asks why and doesn't usually ask it again about the same thing.
Rea: "why does my skin heal so fast?"
Me: "because god is an amazing creator."
Rea: "well that sounds difficult."
She cut her paci all by herself. It might seem intense but we had to do something permanent and real. She is too inquisitive for anything else. She misses it but has done very well."pawk"= park
"chowrch" = church
"tawlit paper" = toilet paper etc.
We love you for all of these things and a thousand more, Reagan Rosalie. Thanks for making our life brighter and helping God prune us, day by day.
Rea, there is nothing wrong with a Bostonian accent! I still say some words with my native Bostonian accent: quarter, water, hard, talk, idea. It's "wicked good!"