Friday, June 24, 2011

Like it list baby edition...addition: walkers = amazing

This seven month old (today!!) lady loves her walker.

And staring in the bathroom. Sometimes for ten minutes.

Our ped has walkers on her list of no no's. But we don't have stairs and rea spends hours running around in it happy as can be. So walkers will stay on our like it list. We got ours as a hand me down...a 1996 edition. They do still sell one model at target and a lot online. Look at garage sales!!


  1. Really cute - she looks so tall! I hope I can meet her soon.

  2. adorable! i can't imagine how much seb would have loved one of these. :) also, LOVE your shower curtain.

  3. Rocco loves walkers, too! BFFs for life.

  4. Yeah, I guess with stairs they are a risk. But we always had one.
