Meet Rebecca Mary. We have been friends since 7th grade. In 9th grade, we became inseparable. Rebecca is the type of person who will run across 2 streets to help a little old lady carrying groceries. And she always faces challenges head on. When we were in h.s. she went on a overseas softball trip to Australia. It was totally out of her comfort zone, away from her close knit family, plus Australia doesn't have KETCHUP (if you knew her well you would realize what a conundrum this was) but she did it, and she loved it! After college, she moved to L.A. where she knew almost nobody but she thrived in a new job, grew up in many ways, and found her soul-mate :). This past year she has faced a seemingly insurmountable challenge: cancer. My beautiful, young friend has had to deal with incredible pain, the unknown, fear, multiple surgeries, radiation, and now, chemotherapy. She has done it with a huge smile on her face, and grace like you can't imagine.

This past week, my sweet new friend, Jessi, and I hunted for fabric, cut like crazy, and created circle scarves in honor of Becca's battle (for full disclosure, Jessi did most of the sewing, although, if you find any crooked seems, that was me). I will be selling them here on
jdswife for the next couple of weeks. Please email me at if you would like to purchase one. All profit will go to reflexology treatments to help my dear Rebecca manage her pain. We decided to make circle scarves because they are really cute. BUT, after deciding on circles, I was reminded of a verse in Thessalonians that says "pray without ceasing." My hope is that wearing these scarves that "never stop" will remind you to constantly pray for God's healing in Rebecca's life. Thank you.
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$30.00 sold out |
$20.00 sold out |
wow! what an amazing blessing. thank you to everyone who placed orders (24 scarves in 24 hours!!!!). i will be contacting you with further information on shipping/payment during the next two days. God bless you! If you are still interested in buying a scarf, email me and if I get enough interest, when we are finished with this big batch we will go fabric hunting and make some more.